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The World Stormrider Guide, by Bruce Sutherland
PDF gratuit The World Stormrider Guide, by Bruce Sutherland
Avoir du temps libre? À l'heure actuelle est le temps de commencer votre ancien passe-temps, la lecture. La lecture doivent être une activité de routine et de loisirs, non seulement comme la responsabilité. Guide que vous pouvez consulter est régulièrement The World Stormrider Guide, By Bruce Sutherland Ce qui fait beaucoup de gens se sentent vraiment satisfaits d'apprendre plus et aussi beaucoup plus. Lorsque vous vous sentez que l'analyse est une habitude, vous certainement pas se sentir vraiment paresseux pour le faire. Vous ne sentirez pas vraiment que ce sera si terne.
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Ce n'est pas monotone genre de façon aussi bien que l'activité à lire le guide. Ce n'est pas genre de temps difficile pour le plaisir dans l'examen livre. Ceci est un moment idéal pour se amuser en lisant le livre. D'ailleurs, en examinant The World Stormrider Guide, By Bruce Sutherland, vous pouvez obtenir les leçons et les expériences aussi si vous n'avez pas tout type d'idées à faire. Et aussi exactement ce que vous devriez obtenir est maintenant pas du genre de point dur. Ceci est une chose extrêmement facile, vérifier que dehors.
Aussi la lecture est une chose facile et il est très basique sans dépenser beaucoup d'argent comptant, de nombreuses personnes se sentent encore vraiment paresseux pour l'obtenir. Il devient le problème que vous faites face en permanence au jour le jour. Par conséquent, vous devriez commencer à découvrir les meilleures façons de passer le moment efficacement. Quand il est livré avec le bon livre, vous pouvez aimer l'examiner. A titre d'exemple est ce The World Stormrider Guide, By Bruce Sutherland, il peut être votre livre de départ pour apprendre à lire.
Détails sur le produit
Broché: 264 pages
Editeur : Low Pressure Publishing (1 juin 2004)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 0953984028
ISBN-13: 978-0953984022
Dimensions du produit:
21,6 x 1,3 x 27,3 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
5.0 étoiles sur 5
2 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
453.533 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
le surf partout dans le monde sur tous les continentsdétail des meilleurs spots avec toutes les informations pratiquesparfait.
Ce livre est trés bien réaliser car il est a la fois un outil essentiel à toutes les personnes qui veulent voyager et partir en surf trip et aussi un moyen de s evader sans bouger de chez soi car il est lisible par un assez large public, il a de plus l'avantage d etre un mix de guide du routard et de guide mondiale des vagues, il est de plus en anglais ce qui oblige à bien réviser avant de partir a l'étranger!!!
The first 'World Stormrider Guide' (Volume 1) to world surf spots was a little bit better than this one, primarily because both the pictures and quality of the surf breaks listed were consistently better.In this edition, it seems some surf spots are listed to sell copies based on population, rather than surf quality (eg Texas, Perth-except Rottnest Island), or because of tourism (eg Venezuela -"waves are always small"), or because that is where the compilers thought they would like to have a holiday to research the information. And this leads to the second problem-some of the pictures are not up to the standard of a surf publication-many look like they were taken on a single day-stop on a surf trip, which were obviously not even close to the better days of surf at the spot. (Crumbling 2 foot beach breaks do not exactly make a publication). Everyone knows surf pictures are usually exceptional for a particular spot, but at least they know how good it can get.The detail is as good or better than the first (ie water temperature, swell size, consistency, wind, costs, local stuff, spots highlighted in bold), but the pictures could definitely have been outsourced a bit more. (Hell, I've got better pictures on some spots on some of these-Lennox Head for example is rated as "one of the best right hand points in Australia" (in the top ten or so, along with the likes of Angourie, Burleigh, Kirra, Snapper, National Park Noosa, Winkipop, Bells, North Point, Mays)-yet the picture shows dribbly 3-4 footers-I've got pics which are better).And also, it isn't much value listing so MANY places which are at best average, or too inconsistent (eg like a number in the Carribean-obviously for the American market, the Seychelles-"very small", Northwest Phillippines and Vietnam-"always small"). A few average spots is ok, (or a really good spot but which is inconsistent), but there is too many spots which basically show you that it isn't worth going there (at least to surf, that is). Who wants to travel around the world to surf expensive 2 foot dribblers? (I can get that on an average day in Sydney). Quality, cheap, and uncrowded is what everyone wants-as well as the all-important consistency-ie often breaking!.(Hell, I know some spots in Australia that get absolutely epic, but only a couples of times a year!). In this respect a little more attention could be paid to details on consistency in general-it gives swell consistency/month, but a bit more detail here could be useful.And there needs to be much better differentiation between the very average areas and the really good ones; listing average ones worldwide is ok (I suppose) for completeness, but one can't easily tell from the information provided the DIFFERENCE IN QUALITY between somewhere like Nias, and the Seychelles. There is a HUGE difference if you want to go to one of these just to surf. A 5 star box system or someting like it might be useful.Particularly inviting were places like New Zealand (the place in general just gets better the more you look at it-like the first place shown after the inside cover-Mangamaunu Point-looks good), Peru/Lima area, Baja California (with the `seven sisters' stretch of pointbreaks), the `epic' Kumari Point in the Andamans, Rapa Nui, mainland Sumatra, Philip Island (I've seen better pics), Byron Bay (I've got better pics), Garden Route South Africa (poor quality pics), and the whole pacific side of Central America. Numerous other places like Madagascar, various Pacific Islands, Oman, Brazil, Venezeula, northwest Philippines, Vietnam, northern Spain, Angola, etc didn't exactly overwhelm with quality shots.A final issue is that always difficult one, the "secret spot". I am one of those people who think the surf is for everyone, and you may as well show on the map where the spot or picture shown actually is. There are several spots described, some with pictures, but which are not shown on the accompanying maps (eg the Philippine Dream-pic looks good anyway, and "Secret Spot" South Africa). (They also say in Volume 1 that they are keeping some spots secret). There is also the annoying occasional picture which has no reference to where it is at all. Some people might like surfers to drive past `their' world-class spot, but it is pretty frustrating to go half way round the world, spend hard earned money, get home and find out you missed the best spot, and you can't go back. And there is always the paradox that others (eg businesses) might want the spot known. Who benefits from the secret? Not you, me or the local businesses-a small group of local surfers only. Also, the world is a big place, and more world-class spots might thin things out a bit.
Great mix of locations and follow up to 1st edition. Much more efficient and coherent than internet research.*most surf shops have a copy and will loan out -or go to the library. These get dated fast - most spots I visited 10 years ago vaguely resemble my first visit.
You will find anythin' in here : waves theory, advices, spots with maps and directions, meteo, A-ny-thing.Not all of it is always useful (because you can't travel through all the countries...) But the surfing possibilities that are described in here will be enough to fill anyone's surfing life!
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